#! /usr/bin/perl
# Email Manager
# This program manages a email system database. It is designed to manage
# an email server set up using the following tutorial:
# https://www.linode.com/docs/email/postfix/email-with-postfix-dovecot-and-
# mariadb-on-centos-7
# Copyright (C) Jordan McGilvray
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use 5.010 ;
use DBI ;
use Term:: ANSIColor ;
use Term:: ReadKey ;
#Waits for a key press
#Input: Any Key
#Output: Displays the main menu
#Returns: None
#DB Queries: None
sub waitForIt
print ( colored ( " \n Press Any Key to Continue \n ", ' green '));
ReadMode (' cbreak ');
my $waitForIt = ReadKey ( 0 );
ReadMode (' normal ');
&mainMenu ();
#Database Connection Info
#Input: Contents of the .connect file
#Returns: Array of Database Connection Info
#Output: Possible Error if the .connect file cannot be opened
#The .connect file needs to be 4 lines long. It has 1 value on each line.
#database name
#database user
sub dbInfo
open FILE , " .connect " or die $! ;
my @dbConnect = < FILE > ;
close ( FILE );
chomp @dbConnect ;
return @dbConnect ;
#getDBtable gets the values in a database table and returns them
#Input: Variables: Database Name, Database User, Database User Password
#Returns: Array of Arrays containing the information
#Output: None
sub getDBtable
#Declare Variables
my @dbConnect = @_ ;
my @tableContent ;
my $arrayX = 0 ;
my $arrayY = 0 ;
#Database Connection
my $dbh = DBI -> connect (" DBI:mysql: $dbConnect [0] ", " $dbConnect [1] ", " $dbConnect [2] " ) || die " Could Not Connect to Database: $DBI ::errstr ";
#Define the query to get the contents of the Database
my $sql = qq{ SELECT * FROM $dbConnect[3] } ;
#Prepare and Execute the query
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( $sql );
$sth -> execute ();
#Get the Table Headers
my $columnHeaders = $sth -> { NAME };
#Place the contents into the Array of Arrays
while ( my @row = $sth -> fetchrow_array ())
my $rowLength = scalar ( @row );
$arrayY = 0 ;
foreach ( @row )
$tableContent [ $arrayX ][ $arrayY ] = $_ ;
$arrayY ++ ;
$arrayX ++ ;
#Finish with the query
$sth -> finish ();
#Disconnect from the database
$dbh -> disconnect ();
#Add Headers to the return array
unshift @tableContent , $columnHeaders ;
#Return Table Content
return @tableContent ;
#Formats and Displays the content of a Database Table
#Input: Array of Arrays Containing the table
#Returns: None
#Output: Formatted Database Table
sub displayDBtable
system (" clear ");
#Get the Database Table Content
my @tableContent = @_ ;
#Get the Table Name and Capitalize it
my $TableName = uc ( shift ( @tableContent ));
#Display the formatted Table
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-40s "," $TableName "),' yellow ' )," \n ========== \n ");
my $arrayCounter = 0 ;
foreach ( @tableContent )
if ( $arrayCounter == 0 )
foreach ( @ $_ )
my $text = ucfirst ( $_ );
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-40s "," $text "),' cyan ' ));
foreach ( @ $_ )
printf " %-40s "," $_ ";
$arrayCounter ++ ;
print " \n ";
print " ========== \n ";
#Varient of the waitForIt subroutine. Returns to the Display menu
print ( colored ( " \n Press Any Key to Continue \n ", ' green '));
ReadMode (' cbreak ');
my $waitForIt = ReadKey ( 0 );
ReadMode (' normal ');
displayTable ();
#Add a new entry to a Database Table
#I used given/when because there can only be 3 options via the menu. I thought of making each of these its own subroutine, but I like keeping the functionality together.
#Input: Values for the new entry
#Returns: None
#Output: None
# Domains: INSERT INTO domains (domain) VALUES("$newDomain")
# Email Account: INSERT INTO users (email, password) VALUES("$newEmailAddress", ENCRYPT("$newEmailPassword"))
# Forwarders: INSERT INTO forwardings VALUES("$newEmailAddress", "$newForwardToAddress")
sub addToTable
my @dbConnect = dbInfo ();
my $tableName = @_ [ 0 ];
my $newVal1 = '';
my $newVal2 = '';
my $sql ;
my @dbTable = getDBtable ( @dbConnect , $tableName );
my $columnName = shift @dbTable ;
my $columnCount = scalar @$columnName ;
#Take in the first (or only) value for adding entries to the database
print ( colored (" Enter the New " . ucfirst ( @$columnName [ 0 ]) . " to Add. \n # ", ' cyan '));
chomp ( $newVal1 = < STDIN > );
#If there is a second column (Password or actual email account, depending on if it is a forwarder or email account
if ( $columnCount == 2 )
print ( colored (" Enter the New " . ucfirst ( @$columnName [ 1 ]) . " to Add. \n # ", ' cyan '));
chomp ( $newVal2 = < STDIN > );
#Connect to the database
my $dbh = DBI -> connect (" DBI:mysql: $dbConnect [0] ", " $dbConnect [1] ", " $dbConnect [2] " ) || die " Could Not Connect to Database: $DBI ::errstr \n ";
#Determine which query to run
given ( $tableName )
when (" domains ")
$sql = qq{ INSERT INTO $tableName (@$columnName[0]) VALUES ("$newVal1") } ;
break ;
when (" users ")
$sql = qq{ INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES("$newVal1", ENCRYPT("$newVal2")) } ;
break ;
when (" forwardings ")
$sql = qq{ INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES("$newVal1", "$newVal2") } ;
break ;
#Close Prepare, execute, and finish the query. Then disconnect from the database
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( $sql );
$sth -> execute ();
$sth -> finish ();
$dbh -> disconnect ();
#Wait for a keypress before continuing.
waitForIt ();
#Delete an entry to a Database Table
#Input: Entry to delete
#Returns: None
#Output: None
#DB Query: DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE $columnName = "$databaseRows{$inputItem}" limit 1
sub removeFromTable
my $tableName = $_ [ 0 ];
#Get the Database Connection Information
my @dbConnect = dbInfo ();
#Get the Database Table Content
my @dbTable = getDBtable ( @dbConnect , $tableName );
my $rowCounter = 1 ;
my %databaseRows ;
my $inputItem = 0 ;
my $key ;
my $value ;
#Retrieve the main column name
my $columnName = shift @dbTable ;
$columnName = " @ $columnName [0] ";
#Create a menu of items that can be deleted
foreach ( @dbTable )
$databaseRows {" $rowCounter "} = " @ $_ [0] ";
$rowCounter ++ ;
#This is where the database is sorted. It is not a numerical sort. So 10 follows 1.
foreach $key ( sort keys %databaseRows )
print " $key . $databaseRows { $key } \n ";
print " $rowCounter . Return to the Main Menu \n ";
print ( colored (" Which Entry Would You Like To Delete? \n Type the number next to the entry. \n # ", ' cyan '));
#I limit input to the values of the menu
while (( $inputItem > $rowCounter ) || ( $inputItem < 1 ))
chomp ( $inputItem = < STDIN > );
#Exit back to main menu if a deletion is not needed.
if ( $inputItem eq $rowCounter )
&mainMenu ();
#Connect to the Database
my $dbh = DBI -> connect (" DBI:mysql: $dbConnect [0] ", " $dbConnect [1] ", " $dbConnect [2] " ) || die " Could Not Connect to Database: $DBI ::errstr ";
#Create the query to delete the row
my $sql = qq{ DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE $columnName = "$databaseRows{$inputItem}" limit 1 } ;
#Prepare and execute the query
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( $sql );
$sth -> execute ();
#Finish with the query
$sth -> finish ();
#Disconnect from the database
$dbh -> disconnect ();
#Wait for a keypress and return to the main menu
waitForIt ();
#Edits entry to a Database Table
#Input: entry to edit, and new values
#Returns: None
#Output: None
sub editTable
my @dbConnect = dbInfo ();
my $tableName = $_ [ 0 ];
my $rowCounter = 1 ;
my $columnCount = 1 ;
my $newCol1Value ;
my $newCol2Value ;
my $tableHeader ;
my $key = 0 ;
my $inputItem = 0 ;
my @newColVals ;
my @tableHeaders ;
my @dbTable = getDBtable ( @dbConnect , $tableName );
my %dbRows ;
#Get the Table Headers
$tableHeader = shift @dbTable ;
foreach ( @$tableHeader )
push ( @tableHeaders , $_ );
#Get the number of columns for the upcoming MySQL query
$columnCount = scalar @tableHeaders ;
#Display Database Table
foreach ( @dbTable )
$dbRows {" $rowCounter "} = " @ $_ [0] ";
$rowCounter ++ ;
#This is where the database is sorted. It is not a numerical sort.
foreach $key ( sort keys %dbRows )
print " $key . $dbRows { $key } \n ";
print " $rowCounter . Return to the Main Menu \n ";
print ( colored (" Which Entry Would You Like To Edit? \n Type the number next to the entry. \n # ", ' cyan '));
#I limit input to the values of the menu
while (( $inputItem > $rowCounter ) || ( $inputItem < 1 ))
print " \n $inputItem , $rowCounter , Stuck in the Input Selection Loop \n ";
chomp ( $inputItem = < STDIN > );
#Exit back to main menu if a deletion is not needed.
if ( $inputItem eq $rowCounter )
&mainMenu ();
#Database Query Selector
#UPDATE $tableName SET $tableHeaders[0]=new-$newInput, $tableHeaders[1]=new-$newInput1 WHERE $tableHeaders[0]=$dbRows{$inputItem}
print " $columnCount \n ";
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $columnCount ; $i ++ )
print ( colored (" Please enter a value for $tableHeaders [ $i ] \n # ",' cyan '));
chomp ( $newColVals [ $i ] = < STDIN > );
my $dbh = DBI -> connect (" DBI:mysql: $dbConnect [0] ", " $dbConnect [1] ", " $dbConnect [2] " ) || die " Could Not Connect to Database: $DBI ::errstr ";
#Create the query to delete the row
my $sql ;
#Prepare and execute the query
given ( $columnCount )
when ( 1 )
$sql = qq{ UPDATE $tableName SET $tableHeaders[0]="$newColVals[0]" WHERE $tableHeaders[0]="$dbRows{$inputItem}" } ;
print qq{ UPDATE $tableName SET $tableHeaders[0]="$newColVals[0]" WHERE $tableHeaders[0]="$dbRows{$inputItem}" } ;
break ;
when ( 2 )
$sql = qq{ UPDATE $tableName SET $tableHeaders[0]="$newColVals[0]",$tableHeaders[1]="$newColVals[1]" WHERE $tableHeaders[0]="$dbRows{$inputItem}" } ;
break ;
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( $sql );
$sth -> execute ();
$sth -> finish ();
$dbh -> disconnect ();
waitForIt ();
#Select Database Table to Display
#Input: None
#Returns: None
#Output: Display Tables Menu
sub displayTable
system (" clear ");
print ( colored ( " _____ _ _ _______ _ _ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | __ \\ (_) | | |__ __| | | | | \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | | | |_ ___ _ __ | | __ _ _ _ | | __ _| |__ | | ___ ___ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | | | | / __| '_ \\ | |/ _` | | | | | |/ _` | '_ \\ | |/ _ \\ / __| \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | |__| | \\ __ \\ |_) | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_) | | __/ \\ __ \\\n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " |_____/|_|___/ .__/|_| \\ __,_| \\ __, | |_| \\ __,_|_.__/|_| \\ ___||___/ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | | __/ | \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " |_| |___/ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 1. View Domain Table "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 2. View Email Account Table "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 3. View Forwarder Table "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 4. Return to the Main Menu "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
my $choice = - 1 ;
my $warningCounter = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
print ( colored ( " Please Enter Your Selection \n ", ' red '));
print ( colored (" # ", ' cyan '));
while (( $choice gt 4 ) || ( $choice lt 1 ))
if ( $warningCounter ne 0 )
print " Please enter a valid choice. \n ";
$warningCounter ++ ;
chomp ( $choice = < STDIN > );
given ( $choice )
when ( 1 ) { displayDBtable (" Domains ", getDBtable ( dbInfo ()," domains ")); break ; } #View Domain Table
when ( 2 ) { displayDBtable (" Email Accounts ", getDBtable ( dbInfo ()," users ")); break ; } #View Email Account Table
when ( 3 ) { displayDBtable (" Forwarders ", getDBtable ( dbInfo ()," forwardings ")); break ; } #View Forwarder Table
when ( 4 ) { &mainMenu (); break ; } #Return to the Main Menu
#Display Domain Table Editing Menu
#Input: None
#Returns: None
#Output: Domain Editing Menu
sub editDomains
system (" clear ");
print ( colored ( " ██████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║██║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║██║██║ ╚████║███████║ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ \n ", ' cyan '));
print " Please Select the number of the option you wish \n ";
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 1. Add a Domain "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 2. Delete a Domain "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 3. Edit a Domain "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 4. Return to the Main Menu "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
my $choice = - 1 ;
my $warningCounter = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
print ( colored ( " Please Enter Your Selection \n ", ' red '));
print ( colored (" # ", ' cyan '));
while (( $choice gt 4 ) || ( $choice lt 1 ))
if ( $warningCounter ne 0 )
print " Please enter a valid choice. \n ";
$warningCounter ++ ;
chomp ( $choice = < STDIN > );
given ( $choice )
when ( 1 ) { addToTable (" domains "); break ; } #Add a Domain
when ( 2 ) { removeFromTable (" domains "); break ; } #Delete a Domain
when ( 3 ) { editTable (" domains "); break ; } #Edit a Domain
when ( 4 ) { mainMenu (); break ; } #Return to the Main Menu
#Displays the Email editing menu
#Input: None
#Returns: None
#Output: Email Editing Menu
sub editEmail
system (" clear ");
print ( colored ( " ▓█████ ███▄ ▄███▓ ▄▄▄ ██▓ ██▓ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ▓█ ▀ ▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▒████▄ ▓██▒▓██▒ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ▒███ ▓██ ▓██░▒██ ▀█▄ ▒██▒▒██░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ▒▓█ ▄ ▒██ ▒██ ░██▄▄▄▄██ ░██░▒██░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ░▒████▒▒██▒ ░██▒ ▓█ ▓██▒░██░░██████▒ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ░░ ▒░ ░░ ▒░ ░ ░ ▒▒ ▓▒█░░▓ ░ ▒░▓ ░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒▒ ░ ▒ ░░ ░ ▒ ░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒ ░ ░ ░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ \n ", ' cyan '));
print " Please Select the number of the option you wish \n ";
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 1. Add an Email Account "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 2. Delete an Email Account "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 3. Edit an Email Account "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 4. Return to the Main Menu "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
my $choice = - 1 ;
my $warningCounter = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
print ( colored ( " Please Enter Your Selection \n ", ' red '));
print ( colored (" # ", ' cyan '));
while (( $choice gt 4 ) || ( $choice lt 1 ))
if ( $warningCounter ne 0 )
print " Please enter a valid choice. \n ";
$warningCounter ++ ;
chomp ( $choice = < STDIN > );
given ( $choice )
when ( 1 ) { addToTable (" users "); break ; } #Add a Domain
when ( 2 ) { removeFromTable (" users "); break ; } #Delete a Domain
when ( 3 ) { editTable (" users "); break ; } #Edit a Domain
when ( 4 ) { mainMenu (); break ; } #Return to the Main Menu
#Displays the forwarders editing menu
#Input: None
#Returns: None
#Output: Forwarders Editing Menu
sub editForwarders
system (" clear ");
print ( colored ( " ____ ____ ____ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " |___ | | |__/ | | | |__| |__/ | \\ |___ |__/ [__ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " | |__| | \\ |_|_| | | | \\ |__/ |___ | \\ ___] \n ", ' cyan '));
print " Please Select the number of the option you wish \n ";
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 1. Add a Forwarder "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 2. Delete a Forwarder "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 3. Edit a Forwarder "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 4. Return to the Main Menu "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
my $choice = - 1 ;
my $warningCounter = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
print ( colored ( " Please Enter Your Selection \n ", ' red '));
print ( colored (" # ", ' cyan '));
while (( $choice gt 4 ) || ( $choice lt 1 ))
if ( $warningCounter > 0 )
print " Please enter a valid choice. \n ";
$warningCounter ++ ;
chomp ( $choice = < STDIN > );
given ( $choice )
when ( 1 ) { addToTable (" forwardings "); break ; } #Add a Domain
when ( 2 ) { removeFromTable (" forwardings "); break ; } #Delete a Domain
when ( 3 ) { editTable (" forwardings "); break ; } #Edit a Domain
when ( 4 ) { mainMenu (); break ; } #Return to the Main Menu
#Main Menu of program
#Input: None
#Returns: None
#Output: Main Menu
sub mainMenu
system (" clear ");
print ( colored ( " • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▪ ▐ ▄ • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄ . ▐ ▄ ▄• ▄▌ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ██ •█▌▐█ ·██ ▐███▪▀▄.▀·•█▌▐██▪██▌ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▐█·▐█▐▐▌ ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▐▀▀▪▄▐█▐▐▌█▌▐█▌ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▌██▐█▌ ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█▄▄▌██▐█▌▐█▄█▌ \n ", ' cyan '));
print ( colored ( " ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ █▪ ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ \n ", ' cyan '));
print " Please Select the number of the option you wish \n ";
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 1. View Tables "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 2. Add, Delete, & Edit Domains "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 3. Add, Delete, & Edit Email Accounts "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 4. Add, Delete, & Edit Forwarders "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
print ( colored ( sprintf (" %-5s "," 5. Quit "),' yellow ' )," \n ");
my $choice = - 1 ;
my $warningFlag = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
print ( colored ( " Please Enter Your Selection \n ", ' red '));
print ( colored (" # ", ' cyan '));
while (( $choice gt 5 ) || ( $choice lt 1 ))
if ( $warningFlag > 0 )
print " Please enter a valid choice. \n ";
$warningFlag ++ ;
chomp ( $choice = < STDIN > );
given ( $choice )
when ( 1 ) { displayTable (); break ; } #View Tables
when ( 2 ) { editDomains (); break ; } #Add and Delete Domains
when ( 3 ) { editEmail (); break ; } #Add and Delete Email Accounts
when ( 4 ) { editForwarders (); break ; } #Add and Delete Forwarders
when ( 5 ) { print " Goodbye \n "; exit ; } #Quit
mainMenu () || die ;